Our Females
Chinese Tank and Ice

FanCy Blue
You have certainly already seen this magnificent ball of fur! If it's not on my profile, it's on large accounts audience using our photos to publish!
I present to you Fancy Blue, the first double-faced “Fancy” from the Chinese Tank Ice!
Chinese Tank Ice Standard
Double face
Dominant Blue Eyes Gene
Registered with the REFR
Female Black Tortie Locket
Blood type Ab
IVF FeLV Negative
PKD Negative
HCM (pending)
Orfey of Grace
I officially present to you Orpheus of Grace! A magnificent British ICe F3 (3rd generation blue eyes)
It's a blowheart for me at first sight! Her blue eyes, almost white with purple highlights, are breathtaking! And what about her dress… my favorite color! Cinnamon
Welcome to the Mokanelle family, my beautiful Orfée
British Ice
Registered with REFR TICA
Female Cinnamon
Blood group NA
IVF FeLV Negative
PKD Negative
HCM (pending)

Mokanelle Chai Latte
Daughter of Wilson and Océane, Chaï Latte is one of our favorites! A small succession of Chinese Tank Ice Standard, also supporting the programme in exotic colors... The JackPot!
Chinese Tank Ice Standard
Registered with the REFR
Female Cinnamon Tortie
Blood type A
Chocolate porter
Carrier dilution
IVF FeLV Negative
PKD Negative
HCM (pending)
Mokanelle Coconut
Little sister of Mokanelle Chaï Latte, from the marriage between Wilson and Oceane. This magnificent Coconut delights us with her sweet and cuddly temperament! Simply adorable, thisThis magnificent Chinese Tank is a great asset for Silver lovers!
Chinese Tank Standard
Registered with the REFR
Female Chocolate Silver Torbie
Blood type A
Cinnamon porter
Chocolate Porter
Carrier dilution
IVF FeLV Negative
PKD Negative
HCM (pending)

Mokanelle Thumbelina
Daughter of Pearlbrits Aslan and Mokanelle Charlotte, Poucette is simply a source of great pride and constitutes a 3rd Generation Mokanelle! A small succession Chinese Tank Standard, which means that it holds gene of the short leg. How not to fall in love with this adorable chocolate Tortie doll who will stay at home!
Chinese Tank Standard
Registered with the REFR
Female Chocolate Tortie
Unknown blood type
Potentially cinnamon carrier
Carrier dilution
IVF FeLV Negative
PKD Negative
HCM (pending)
Oceane is a Chinese Tank Ice. She joins the Mokanelle family as an addition to the Chinese Tank Ice program (dominant blue eyes).
Chinese Tank Ice
Registered with the REFR
Female Chocolate Silver
Blood group NA
IVF FeLV Negative
PKD Negative
HCM (pending)

Cinna is a non-Standard Chinese Tank. Shejoins the Mokanelle family with the aim of working with exotic colors! Cinnamon is our favorite color and we want to put it in the spotlight!
Chinese Tank
Registered with the REFR
Female Cinnamon
Blood type A
IVF FeLV Negative
PKD Negative
HCM (pending)